God’s Self-Revelation to Moses

This post is intended to correct an error. That error is the interpretation of Exodus 34:6–7, a passage which a recent blog post used as evidence that the Bible “instructs us to worship [God] in the fullness of his attributes—not merely through the prism of one or two favorites.” What is extremely strange about this claim is that Exodus 34:6–7 says no such thing; in fact, it presents God in what could essentially be described as “the prism of one or two key perfections.”

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Moses Didn’t Need a Leadership Lesson from Jethro

As some of you remember, I’ve been blogging through lessons I learn while reading and studying the Pentateuch in Hebrew. For the ministry for people affected by developmental disabilities at my church, we adapt our children’s ministry curriculum that works through the whole Bible in three years. I try to blog about things I find in passages outside of these lessons or little nuggets that the lessons don’t cover. However, there are a lot of those, so while I’ve only written through the life of Abraham, we’ve now taught up through the passage of the Israelites through the sea of reeds. Although I have much to write to you concerning Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Moses and Pharaoh, for now I’m going to skip ahead to where I am in Generations of Grace.

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Is God’s Faithfulness Always “Nice?”

When we think about God’s faithfulness, we usually think about it in context of God’s love, mercy, provision, and grace.  We think about certain hymns: Continue reading “Is God’s Faithfulness Always “Nice?””